Detach with Love

Detaching with Love.

Self-care is a moment by moment decision.
We each can choose the type of weather we bring to our personal party.
People can become beyond human help. 
Allowing for Divine Inconvenience; ie Youtube Meditations, Yin Yoga, Writing Morning Pages, Walking Outside, Thinking & Speaking Affrimativly, Gym workout time followed by Sauna, Jacuzzi, & Sauna. Upon awakening, Ask "What would I love?" Employ spiritual principles, we can help ourselves.
Personal mental health brings a stabilizing effect to all we encounter.
Claim lots of power over individualized thoughts, words, and deeds.
Stand sentinel at the gateway of thought.
Love the gentle beauty, music, and oneness knowledge. Allow only this to take root in consciousness.   

Pray for all our brothers and sisters, knowing prayers lift the vibration of us all.
