Affirming My Good
Affirming my Good 12-8-2020
Affirmations and Gratitude are the building blocks of my contentment.
For what am I grateful?
1. Sobriety - Without this, I would have nothing.
2. Knowledge of the spiritual Law.
3. Beloved children and Grandchildren.
4. Power to create with my thoughts, words, and deeds.
5. Eyes, Ears, Aromas, Touch, Taste.
6. I love my warm bed and electric blanket.
7. My super thick yoga mat and bolster.
8. Romantic loves of my whole life - my boyfriend Bill.
9. All of the animals I have loved - all I have seen - Bella & Tuff i.e
10. My Prosperity. Tithing - Knowledge of the Law of Circulation.
11. Family - I accept my whole life just as it is and just as it is not.
My sister is my dear friend, I love her kids & Grandkids.
12. Friends - Giving and receiving respect, admiration, & ideas.
13. America - Living in California in my paid-for house.
14. Techknowledgy & Books - Easy access.
15. My radiant Health.
When a person's thought rests entirely upon their self,
One becomes abnormal and unhappy, but when one gives themself with enthusiasm to any legitimate purpose
Affirming My Good
I declare and affirm, the indewing spirit is all there is.
God is Love * Light * Life * Peace * Power * Joy * Beauty.
God is everything.
I unify with the ONE.
The attributes of Spirt are the truth of me and you.
No separation, no distance at all.
God is, I am, We are
Love * Light * Life * Peace * Power * Joy * Beauty.
What I know is true is that as I feed myself affirmations of comfort and joy this condition is reflected back into my experience.
The Law becomes manifest. I create my experience with my thoughts.
Passion creates clear details of my desires.
I paint a mental equivalent in mind.
I have peace of mind, as I continuously create
Love * Light * Life * Peace * Power * Joy * Beauty.
In deep Thanksgiving, I accept and rejoice in the Power of my truth.
I place this creative knowledge into the Law that always says,
Yes, my beloved. I release and let it be done.
And together we say
And So It Is.
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